Monday, December 30, 2019

6 Ways to Spice Up Your Resume Summary

6 Ways to Spice Up Your Resume Summary 6 Ways to Spice Up Your Resume Summary Photo by Jennifer Spengler In order to make a powerful impression, your resume should start with a hard-hittingsummary a section that quickly introduces you and provides readers with a brief overview of your skills and abilities. Done correctly, your resume summary will wow potential employers and ensure you get an interview.Ive written about creating a great resume summary before (see 5 Ways to Start your Resume with a Bang), but, given the importance of this section of your resume, I want to offer some additional ideas. After all, you only have a few seconds to impress recruiters and the resume summary is the first thing they will see.So here are 6 ways to liven up yourresume summary Use Quotes Choose two or threepowerful quotes that show employers how respected you are. These can come from LinkedIn, wertzuwachs reviews, letters or any other source.The key is to choose quotes that emphasize key qua lities for your target position. For example, if you are going for an account manager role, choose a quote that emphasizes your skills in customer relations or revenue growth. If you are applying for project management roles, a quote about on-time shipping or how well you manage project budgets would be very powerful. Where possible, use quotes that are more recent if the only testimonials on your resume are from your college professors 15 years ago, employers will assume that no-one has said nice things since then. Include ResultsIf your impact can be quantified, highlight some of your best results in the introduction. Thats a sure-fire way to grab attention.For example, one of my resume clients was a sales rep. He had always delivered strong results until his most recent role. Through no fault of his own, the company was struggling and he was worried about how this reflected on him. To address this, I began the resume with a summary that listed 4 of his best sales achievements in bullet point form. This impressive opening ensured that employers understood exactly how successful he had been Highlight Awards and/or Recognition If your work has received awards either internal wertmiger zuwachs awards or external recognition you can list those in the resume summary. This also applies to any other recognition such as regular speaking engagements or media articles. Recognition like this is an easy way to communicate your worth to employers by showing how much others value you.Include some personality Too often, resume summaries sound dry and predictable. Recruiters and managers have read it all before and are often tempted to skim quickly over the summary to get to the meat of the resume. Thats why its helpful to inject some personality into them. One way to do this is to describe the way you approach your work and write in the first person. For example, an HR director might sayI am passionate about the importance of creating a positive employment culture. I be lieve that true business success can only come when employees feel fully engaged and are empowered to contribute their very best work.Making such a bold declaration has two positive effects. First, it attracts the right employers. If a CEO feels the wayyou do, he will want to interview you. Second, it turns off those companies who dont value what you value. This is a good thing as you would never be happy there anyway so dont be afraid to state who you are boldly and clearly. Use Bullet Points One option is to break the usual paragraph into one-line bullet points with each one describing a key selling point. This means you need to really understand your target employers what do they want? What do they value? What makes you qualified to to help them?Once you understand this, you can craft bullet points that speak directly to their concerns. And if youre not sure what those concerns are, study the job description youll find clues in there. For example, if a company advertises for a project manager who can introduce Agile methodologies, its a safe bet that they are struggling to deliver products on time (otherwise why would they change?). In this case, a bullet point might readExpertise in Agile methodology Consistent record of delivering complex projects on time and within budgetDrop namesIf you have worked for respected companies, well-known public figures, or well-known brands, be sure to highlight them in the introduction. (Dont assume that readers will see key information when they read through the whole resume most people only skim resumes very quickly and often miss all kinds of important details).In one case, a client of mine who worked in TV news had a glowing letter of recommendation from Tom Brokaw. Needless to say, I quoted the letter and used his name at the very beginning of the resume.Use the resume summary to put your best foot forward Not all of these strategies will be appropriate for you, but by picking and choosing the ones that do suit you r situation, you can greatly strengthen your chances of securing an interview.Finally, if youd like toseea step-by-step demonstration of how I write a resume summary, check out my post How to Write a Resume Summary that Grabs Attention. Happy resume writing

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to design an office layout where people want to work

How to design an office layout where people want to workHow to design an office layout where people want to workEvery company has reason to reevaluate their office layout from time to time.From accommodating growth through office expansion to remodeling your space with the goal of increasing productivity, you hold the power to transform your work environment into a distribution policy that inspires and equips your team to be the best they can be.How do you get there?Start with a design philosophyAs a leader with creativity coursing through your veins, you may already have a view on how an office should be organized. For others, the help of an interior design firm is well worth it. A firm we worked with introduced us to furniture pioneer Herman Millers concept ofLiving Office.The Living Office begins with the human element. Miller identified six fundamental needs that all people share - security, autonomy, belonging, achievement, status and purpose. Living Office is designed to fulfi ll ansicht needs.Next, when creating spaces, Living Office offers considerations for the arrangement of surroundings and furnishings to deliver an elevated experience of work. This is referred to as placemaking.Lastly are the tools. Furniture and tools can help or hinder your success. You want to equip your company with the technology and tools you need to achieve your goals.Conduct researchIn the name of inclusiveness, start with an office-wide survey. The survey need elend be long and complicated. Rather, the shorter, the better. Ive found that you can glean the important findings with a two-question surveyOpen by asking, What is one thing you like about office? This could be the location, layout or even the lighting. Anything goes Then, youll want to discover what people would change. Find out by asking What is one thing you would change about our office? By limiting responses to one positive element and one negative element, youll have a concentrated list of issues that you need to keep to maintain a sense of stability and what needs to be addressed to have a positive impact.Facilitate workshopsWhen designing our own office, we also ran a number of workshops. The first merely identified all the ways we work, communicate and collaborate with each other and our customers. These are referred to as modes of work. For instance, we discovered that certain activities such as informal chats and the more structured co-creation sessions were important,but not supported by our current space.We were also able to identify something we were doing well. That something would be our daily huddle meeting, as well as a warm-up period leading up to the meeting and a cool-down phase after. All deemed important and well-supported.Another workshop focused on theplacement of departments, and more specifically, which departments should be beside each other. Arranging these was particularly revealing. For the most part, we got this right in our current layout, and you likely have t oo. Be warned, though, there is a tendency of groups who currently work next to each other to want to continue to work next to each other because its familiar. The reality is that they may not actually collaborate on many projects. Whether a significant downsizing or aggressive expansion is on the horizon, factor these plans into your adjacencies and usage of floor space now.Develop multiple plansNext, the fun work begins by applying all this research into a first draft floor plan. The space planning should come together fairly naturally because the priorities have been set. Likely, there are some natural constraints as well, such as the available square footage to work with.Either you or your designer should come up with at least two plans Plan A and Plan B. The more dramatic and different, the better, as you will want to be able to show the extremes and possibilities.In the end, youll likely end up with a third finalized plan that combines the best elements of the original plans.P resenting the plansOnce youve settled on a finalized plan, its time to share the einbildung for your new office. Out of respect, I recommend sharing the plans with other members of your executive team first. Then, present to the rest of the management team and others who have been part of the process up to this stage. Finally, host a lunch-and-learn or other optional meeting for those in the company interested in learning about your reimagined space.While attendance for the presentations will be strong, dont fret if not everyone is interested. Many people simply want to know that they have a desk, chair, computer and a place to hang their coat and eat lunch. Given the variety of personalities in every office, your grand plans may be received with everything from resistance to applause and cheers.Setting a timelineAn inevitable question during the presentations will be regarding timeline.When do we begin? How long will it take? When will this be done?Its important to set expectations regarding timeline and change management. A helpful framework we used, and that you and your team can too,breaks down the work to be completed in the next 0-30 days, 30-90, 90-180 or 180-365.For smaller office renovations, the work can likely be completed within the space of a fiscal quarter. For larger renovations, expect the project to take significantly longer. The intention should be that all work is completed within a year.Working the planYour design philosophy will guide you. The time taken to thoughtfully gather input from your team will earn you their patience. The presentation and openness to share your vision will give your team confidence in the plan and allow you to move forward with their support and enthusiasm.David Ciccarelliis the co-founder and CEO article first appeared at BusinessCollective.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Can blaming others ever be good for your mental health

Can blaming others ever be good for your mental healthCan blaming others ever be good for your mental healthMany people tend to blame others for their issues. Prime candidates are parents, partners,friends, bosses, and kids. Perhaps these examples sound familiar?The reason I dont have a social life is that my husband is an introvert. If he were more outgoing, I could really get out more.My kids are so difficult, it is impossible to have people over the house. They just run wild and I wouldnt be able to enjoy myself.If my dad hadnt cheated on my mom, I would have a healthy view ofrelationshipsnow and I wouldnt keep going for these jerks that treat me poorly.It is very tempting to blame others for things going wrong in your life, even personal habits you dislike or your own dysfunctional thought patterns.However, if you rely on blaming others for your own current emotional and mental issues, you are doing yourself a disservice in a multitude of ways. Heres why blaming others can sabota ge your ability to behappy.1. Blame keeps you in a negative headspaceFocusing on what others are doing wrong keeps you in a negative, pessimistic frame of mind. Instead of looking for solutions, you are lingering on problems. Instead of recognizing what people are doing well, you are looking at their flaws.In the first example above, the woman is blaming her husband for her own lack of asocial life, which makes her see him in a fairly negative and uncharitable way. You can see how this would contribute to feelings of depression and marital discord. If she blames her husband openly for his introversion, he likely will feel attacked and attack her back, which will lead to marital issues both short and long term.2.Blame stops you from looking at your own contribution to issuesAs long as others are the problem, you dont have to do the challenging, but ultimately rewarding,workof examining your own behavior. Your thought patterns and expectations influence the things in your life that yo u wish were different.For instance, the parent in the second example above could be exploring ways to work with her kids on improving theirbehavior, or exploring why it may be familiar or easy for her to limit her socializing. As long as she characterizes the kids as the problem, though, she doesnt need to do any of this deeper introspection, which would likely be very useful in moving her out of this stuck place.3.Blame keeps you tethered to the pastInstead of looking for ways that you can work on negative behavior patterns, blame allows you to stay mired in the past.In the last example above, thinking about your dads impact on how your relationship functions may be useful. But continuing to actively blame him may prevent you from digging deep into whats causing your unfulfillingintimaterelationships.It helps to talk through blameOf course, this in no way means you should ignore or minimize the ways that others impact you. It is extraordinarily useful to discuss your relationships - pastand present - with a therapist, or to introspect about them on your own.However, it is essential to move from a blame stance to an understanding stance, which can give you the mental and emotional space you need to get out of old patterns and move forward in more flexible and liberating ways.This article originally appeared on Talkspace.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Former ASME Federal Fellow Mahantesh Hiremath Reflects on His Year on Capitol Hill

Former ASME Federal Fellow Mahantesh Hiremath Reflects on His Year on Capitol Hill Former ASME Federal Fellow Mahantesh Hiremath Reflects on His Year on Capitol Hill Former ASME Federal Fellow Mahantesh Hiremath Reflects on His Year on Capitol HillMahantesh Hiremath, 2013-2014 ASME Congressional FellowFrom September 2013 through last August, Mahantesh Hiremath, PhD, served as one of two ASME Congressional Fellows who spent a year-long term providing engineering and scientific insight to policymakers in Washington, D.C.For the past 41 years, the ASME Federal Government Fellowship Program has provided an opportunity for Society members to work with the U.S. Congress, participating directly in the lawmaking process. As the Federal Fellows gain an understanding of how the federal government operates, Congress, in turn receives the engineering expertise necessary to create effective technical legislation. In addition, Federal Fellows employers benefit from having an employee with comprehe nsive knowledge of congressional policy-making practices.During his Fellowship, Hiremath, an engineer at communications satellite and space systems company Space Systems Loral (SSL), located in Palo Alto, Calif., served on the majority staff of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology (SST) in analyzing energy and environmental issues. Following a three-week Fellowship orientation, he joined the SSTs Energy and Environment Subcommittee and assumed a number of responsibilities including attending weekly staff meetings taking part in strategizing sessions for hearings identifying and selecting hearing witnesses writing position statements preparing briefing notes and assisting in the drafting of legislation.During his 2013-2014 Fellowship, Hiremath helped the subcommittee prepare for mora than a dozen energy-and-environment-related Congressional hearings, including hearings concerning the Environmental Protection Agencys Carbon Plan, the United Nations Intergovernmental Pa nel on Climate Change, the Department of Energys Science and Technology Priorities, and EPA power plant regulation, as well as such currently relevant topics as energy independence and weather and climate change. Mahantesh Hiremath (right) with Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives.Another key accomplishment during Hiremaths Fellowship was assisting in the drafting of the Enabling Innovation for Science, Technology, and Energy in America Act, or the EINSTEIN America Act, which ultimately formed part of the part of the DOE Research and Development Act of 2014, later introduced into the House in June 2014. Hiremath found his year on Capitol Hill and specifically working on the EINSTEIN America Act an enlightening experience regarding the law-making process. He also developed a lot of empathy and admiration for the decision making process that lawmakers follow in order to meet their competing duties of legislati on and representation. It appeared to him that the lawmakers are required to solve an optimization problem for every decision they make, a problem with too many variables and many hard constraints.Science policy is very different compared to science itself, he said. As scientists or technologists, we look at things in a very black-and-white manner. Science policy, however, is influenced by stakeholders people who support or oppose issues and have various levels of influence. Thats why what comes out of the science policy may be mora of a reflection of society than a scientific opinion. Dr. Hiremath with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), the first woman to chair the U.S. Senates Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW).For that reason, it is vital that engineers engage in the policy-making process through such activities as the ASME Federal Fellowship Program, according to Hiremath. The onus really is on the scientist and technical professionals to convey the value of their work in a way that can be understood by the community at large, Hiremath concluded in the year-end report summarizing his Fellowship. Effective science communication is the need of the hour.In addition to benefiting the law-making process and the professional development of the engineers who serve as Fellows, the ASME Federal Fellows Program also has potential advantages for industry. The only engineer from industry among the more than 170 fellows from various professional societies serving on Capitol Hill during his term, Hiremath encourages other companies to follow his company SSLs lead, noting the value of having an engineer who has worked on Capitol Hill, who has some understanding of how the legislative process worked, and what kind of questions or concerns will be raised about the design of their product, he said. If an engineer can bring that information back to his or her firm, they gain insight into the concerns that may need to be addressed early in the design and development of their products, he said. The ASME Federal Government Fellowship program provides an invaluable opportunity for members from industry to offer their technical expertise to policymakers. The result is better public policy for the nation and its industrial base.ASME is currently accepting applications through Jan. 31, 2015 for two 2015-2016 Federal Fellowship opportunities the ASME Congressional Fellowship and the ASME Foundation Swanson Fellowship on Advanced Manufacturing. The 2015-2016 Congressional Fellow will spend one year in Washington, D.C., working with the staff of a congressional committee, U.S. senator or U.S. representative. The ASME Foundation Swanson Fellow will serve a one-year term at the Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office, hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in Gaithersburg, Md.To learn more about ASME Federal Government Fellowship Program, or to apply for one of the 2015-2016 Fellowships, visit https// -involved/advocacy-government-relations/federal-fellows-program.For the latest news, regulations and announcements on the priorities outlined in ASMEs Public Policy Agenda and how you can become engaged in ASME Government Relations, please visit the ASME Public Policy Education Center at http//

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A missing comma resulted in a group of dairy drivers getting $5 million

A missing comma resulted in a group of dairy drivers getting $5 mioA missing comma resulted in a group of dairy drivers getting $5 millionUnclear grammar can literally cost your company millions of dollars. Just ask Oakhurst Dairy in Maine. According to court documents filed on Thursday, the Maine-based dairy company said it was settling its comma dispute with its drivers for $5 million dollars.The case, over on a missing Oxford comma in Maine overtime pays law, captured national attention this past March. Drivers originally filed a class-action lawsuit in 2014 that sought mora than $10 million in overtime pay, arguing that the missing punctuation mark was on their side.According to Maine state law, the following activities were not eligible for overtime payThe canning, processing, preserving,freezing, drying, marketing, storing,packing for shipment or distribution of(1) Agricultural produce(2) Meat and fish products and(3) Perishable foods.The drivers argued that the packing for shi pment or distribution of was defining the single activity of packing - meaning, they were spared from the overtime pay exception list because drivers distributed food but they didnt pack them. Oakhurst Dairy, meanwhile, argued that the law was taking distribution as a separate activity, so it did include the drivers in the overtime exception list.On March 13, a federal court reversed a lower court decision and sided with the truck drivers, saying that there was enough punctuation ambiguity in the drivers favor.Unclear grammar has cost companies millionsOxford comma proponents argue that if the law had a serial comma, or Oxford comma, after shipment, it would have been clear that distribution was written to be a separate item in the laws list.Perhaps sensing more grammar-related disputes on the horizon, Maine is taking no chances and has removed any ambiguity in its overtime pay exception list. Now, the Maine law has added semicolons to separate each of the activities not eligible i n its listThe canning processing preserving freezing drying marketing storing packing for shipment or distributing of (1) Agricultural produce (2) Meat and fish products and (3) Perishable foods.This is not the first time that unclear communication in words has spelled financial disaster for a company. In one typo horror story, a 124-year-old company was dissolved after U.K. government agency Companies House wrongly stated that Taylor Sons Ltd. had gone into liquidation in 2009. In fact, it wasTaylor Son Ltd. without the s that had gone into liquidation. The error was corrected in three days, but by that time, orders had been canceled, contracts had been lost and credit had been withdrawn.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Awesome Resume Templates Help!

Awesome Resume Templates Help Creative Resume Content Whichever creative resume design you select, the content has to be no problem to find and logically organized. Listed here are examples of information that may be included in yur curriculum vitae. Several sites exist specifically to aid you make an attractive visual resume. Education and skills qualifies an applicant for more processing but doesnt necessarily mean immediate success. The 30-Second Trick for Awesome Resume Templates Career profiles supply an overview of your ort of specialization and useful skills giving employers a general idea about what you can actually do. The initial one is about outlining your abilities and your availability in a certain job position. You may never underestimate the ability of a good resume format, especially if you are looking for employment. Picking the right resume template will not merely permit you to highlight the best aspects of your experience and abilities, but nevertheless , it will also focus your focus to demonstrating what value you are able to provide prospective employers. A History of Awesome Resume Templates Refuted The freebie was made by Alamin Mir. If you believe an internet or video resume can help you stick out from the competition, go for itjust make certain you have a paper version handy. If you choose to try out one of our completely free creative templates, we have a couple recommendations to create your work search as fruitful as possible. Hopefully, you presently have a strong site, either a personal portfolio or your freelance business website. Using Awesome Resume Templates Creativity is among the essential things to getting your dream job. Still, it is a good concept to make your resume reflect your perfect work atmosphere. The times you ought to use a creative resume are fewer than when you ought to use a formal resume. At this time theres still an opportunity to stick out from the competition being different. In truth, its not that hard as it might appear to be. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is demonstrated to elevate your opportunity of scoring a work simply is logical. Some return to templates earn even more sense based on your level of seniority, the kind of work that youre searching for and additionally the market in which you wish to do the undertaking. When you begin with a creative resume template, you merely have to drop in your details to rapidly finish the practice. This totally free timeline-based resume template was produced by graphic designer Patryk Korycki. These templates are designed to be clean-cut and right to the point. They are great for a graphic artist or designer for example, but if you are applying to become an accountant, you may want to go for an elegant or classic design instead. Whispered Awesome Resume Templates Secrets If you wish to be a graphic designer, you can display your graphic design abilities. Whether its your dream to engage in a career in graphic design creating distinctive and dynamic company branding or typography, whether you wish to work in an internet medium or prefer to deal solely with tangible, physical designs, you may discover that graphic design is an awesome career choice. The clean and easy design can help you to clearly show your skills, portfolio items in an important way. Our set of these clean, modern and professional resume templates are best for applying for new work in tech businesses and other multi-national businesses. Resume templates are one method to guarantee structure behind your resume. They also show you what you need to include in your CV, such as what information to put in each section, and what kind of language to use. Utilizing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for several explanations. In reality, the chronological resume template is easily the most traditional resume format. You may download the resume template free of charge and can readily edit the template using Microsoft word. The templates were created using Montserrat Font Family, so could need to download the fonts ahead of customizing the files. Our creative templates permit you to stick out from the crowd. There are lots more templates on our site you may check out. How to Choose Awesome Resume Templates There are a lot of free creative resume templates youre able to use, allowing you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. As you may have noticed, design is only one of several elements in your resume that may capture attention. Once you have selected your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our totally free expert guidance about ways to craft the ideal modern resume. Each one of our creative style templates offer you a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and a little style.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Think before Sending (Email, that is)

Think before Sending (Email, that is) Emails in the workplace are so commonplace that most people dont consider the tauglichkeit consequences of using the modern tool in the wrong way. Using work schmelzglas for private purposes can prove disastrous if used irresponsibly or carelessly and can reflect poorly on your work ethic and personal reputation. Before sending another personal email from work, its important to consider several cautionary statements about the potential perils of email indiscretion. No matter where you work, private or public sector, for profit or non profit, anything you say in an email sent from your work account can be used as evidence against you in court. In fact, the ePolicy Institute in Ohio reports that 14 percent of emails sent from a workplace have been subpoenaed during lawsuits.Most employers grant employees no expectation of privacy of any correspondence sent using corporate resources. Email you send is not confidential. Not only can your email be legally inspected any time, but emails you send to co-workers may be forwarded to others and spread throughout your workplace in a matter of minutes.While workplace romances may be tolerated under a dont ask dont tell philosophy, using your work email to exchange love letters or explicit content can potentially cost you your job and, in the case of an illicit affair, your family.Another huge email no-no is for the use of criticizing or bashing co-workers, or for harassment purposes. Almost one in seven U.S. businesses have suffered through lawsuits initiated by employee emails interpreted as harassing and discriminating resulting in a hostile workplace.An easy way to introduce viruses and other harmful programs into your employers network is to open chain letters and other hoaxes. Coming across a suspicious email from an unknown sender should result in an immediate deletion. Hackers and other techno -neer do wells frequently target employees as weak points into a companys systems.A common mistake, often leading to serious regret, is the use of the reply all feature instead of the simple reply option. This is another danger inherent in sharing unflattering gossip and opinions over email you may unintentionally send your thoughts to the very person or persons you of which you speak.You may also infringe upon the privacy of your buddy list contacts by including bulk lists of email addresses in the to section. And using BCC for the sake of anonymity may also backfire, since when an email recipient uses reply all any addresses within the BC field are transferred into the to field and become visible to whomever receive the new email.About a quarter of U.S. businesses report to having fired employees for workplace email abuse. As with public laws, ignorance of corporate email policy does not make violators of the policy immune to punishment. Know your companys email policy before send ing anything over its network and at accordingly. Appropriate email usage can help avoid serious consequences from activities which may initially seem innocuous.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Format a Modern, Visually-Appealing Resume

How to Format a Modern, Visually-Appealing ResumeHow to Format a Modern, Visually-Appealing ResumeHow to Format a Modern, Visually Appealing ResumeHere are some tips on how to format a modern and visually-appealing resume and stand out from the job-search crowd.Are you putting together your resume? To begin, youll want to gather the following information employer names, educational history, volunteerism, professional engagement, and transferable skills. Unsure of how to proceed with formatting from there? Start by Googling templates or reviewing friends documents. You may then realize that there are unlimited options for how to format a resume.No matter the format you choose, keep these tips in mind when taking the first steps towards creating your resume especially one with a modern and visually-appealing look.Add a professional summaryWhen creating a resume, this 35 line section should be placed immediately following the header/contact information. This short summary is an introdu ction to you as the candidate while focusing on how you can help the employer. By adding this, you are immediately showcasing what talents and abilities you can bring to the table.Be conciseBelieve it or not, adults have short attention spans. In fact, if they binnensee large, bulky, and never-ending paragraphs, they are less likely to read the information and that information is important When deciding how to format the information on your resume, put each phrase into bullet points.Highlight the important informationEven if your information is in bullet format, it may still be difficult to quickly identify the pertinent skills and accomplishments that are important to the potential employer. If a bullet contains an impressive award or measurable accomplishment that illustrates your qualifications, then draw attention to this detail by bolding the text.This type of strategic highlighting is illustrated below. While both phrases contain the same information, someone quickly scanning your resume will go to the bold information and note that you were exceptional at ausverkauf in this position.Previous VersionBoosted sales by 83% within six months through effective target marketing, in-person sales meetings, consistent follow-up strategies, and team collaborations.New VersionBoosted sales by 83% within six months through effective target marketing, in-person sales meetings, consistent follow-up strategies, and team collaborations.Utilize quantitative information whenever possibleOur minds automatically respond to numbers, percentages, and dollar signs. Rather than using words to describe these achievements, use numbers and symbols. Whatever you can do as an applicant to keep the eyes on your document means that you have a better chance of being noticed.Related Words and Phrases to Remove From Your Resume Right AwayUse clear section headingsMost resumes will have similar components a professional summary, areas of expertise, professional experience, education, and volunteerism. When deciding how to format a resume, remember that these headings must be definitive and must stand out amidst the other text in the document. Dont be afraid to use a shaded box, bold text, and white-space around each heading.Create white-spaceToo much text is overwhelming to the reader and may even stop a potential employer from reviewing your information. Each page of the resume should have sufficient white space around all four sides of the document. Also, be sure not to push the margins to the edge. If and when a person prints the document, you want to make sure there are no technical challenges.Use common fontsWhile script may be a beautiful choice for handwriting and Comic Sans may be appropriate for your childs birthday invitation, they arent appropriate for a resume. In fact, applicant tracking systems (ATS) can have difficulty reading these fonts. In addition, a human being may not find these fonts as easy to read. Instead, stick with common fonts such as Ca mbria, Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman.Remember, creating a resume that catches eyes in todays marketplace is vital to your job-search success. After you create your document, send it to a trusted colleague or business partner for advice. Ensuring that your resume is visually appealing will bring you one step closer to your future career successClick on the following link for more resume advice.Not sure if your resume is grabbing the right attention? Utilize our free, objective resume review to see if your resume is visually appealing enoughRecommended Reading11 Steps to Writing the Perfect ResumeWhy a Simple Resume Layout is a Successful Resume10 Powerful Changes for Your Senior-Level Resume

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Sensor to Breathe Easier

A Sensor to Breathe Easier A Sensor to Breathe Easier A Sensor to Breathe EasierKevin Hart, CEO and founder of Canada-based company Tzoa, was an electrician who was concerned about the effects of carcinogens, such as dust in the air. He realized there was a disconnect between what people could perceive and what was threatening to them. I was looking for a solution for myself and couldnt find it and saw an entrepreneurial path, he says. I saw a challenge to myself and saw toxins are not just in industrial sites but many homes around the world. The technology that was existing to combat a lot of this to me was big and expensive. I thought there must be something people could have.He says the main proprietary sensor of the Enviro-Tracker picks up PM2.5, among the most dangerous pollutants in the environment. Its particulate matter in the air. It can get into lungs and create long-term damage and aggravates people even in terms of cardiovascular issues, he says. Theres also VOC, which is total volatile organic compound and its another particulate type that is an enemy.The tracker data streams onto a smartphone app. Image TzoaThere are several components to the sensor that he can talk about as they are not proprietary. There is an airflow channel. Air is brought in through an inlet and pushed out through an outlet, he says. In the channel is a detector that detects light and the channel is occluded from the sun. Theres a separate channel that crosses in an X. Thats what the optical sender lives in, a visible laser that goes from one part of an X to the opposite end of one channel, into a beam dump, meaning it gets rid of the laser.The first prototype was four inches by four inches but now the model is the size of a large Oreo cookie, he says.There have been multiple iterations of the technology. With the first generation, the team realized that the technology became contaminated quickly. Imagine an air stream and biomass burning with gunk sticking to the air channel , and the sensor becomes inaccurate, he says.The device, which comes in both wearable and portable formats, is slated to talk to your phone and let you know, not unlike traffic apps, what to avoid environmental problems instead of a pile-up on your local highway.Theres also the thought in the future of the connected komponente of understanding, of where you are or what situation youre in. If in a home or building, this sensor data could automate your surroundings, might turn on an air purifier for you, et cetera. Also, if you have a debilitating condition like asthma or COPD, you could have an analytics component for an additional service. If you have exacerbation of asthma multiple times, then highlight when its occurred and look at pollution in a moment in a past day. We can look at the environmental context where there was an acute system and look at the common thread or trend and then predict what it was.Theres a crowdsource element concept slated as well. A cyclist could possib ly benefit greatly. Data you collect talks to data others collect, he says. Visualized on the map so cyclists will share their data and build the pollution routes. Trying to get from Point A to Point B when cycling to work, taking into account if there is high combustion from car engines and more. This could help.The Enviro-Tracker has done smaller beta testing and a large production launch is slated to happen in 2017. We want to make lives healthier, Hart says. We just dont always know whats around us.Eric Butterman is an independent writer. For Further Discussion We want to make lives healthier. We just dont always know whats around us. Kevin Hart, CEO, Tzoa

6 life lessons I learned from working in the hospitality industry

6 life lessons I learned from working in the hospitality industry 6 life lessons I learned from working in the hospitality industry When was the last time you stood at a to-go counter, looking at 30+ boxes of warm food that need to be packed up five minutes ago?Behind you, a stranger is tapping you on the back, asking for an extra side of ranch. An impatient mother looks at you from thirty feet away- she is still waiting on that highchair you promised ninety seconds ago.You have about five entrees to fire on the POS, but you can’t get over to the screen.Oh, and you’ve had to pee for about three hours now.How do you even begin to prioritize what comes next? You just do. That’s the terror and the beauty of the business.Welcome to hospitality. We can seat you once your entire party is here.Lessons from the hospitality industryWorking in hospitality teaches you skills you could not learn anywhere else. It teaches you about prioritization, about swift  problem-solving, about  communication, about humility, and about how people act when they’re seriously hungry- like monsters- and how to keep a smile on your fa ce despite that.You can be the valedictorian of your high school class, you can graduate magna cum laude from an esteemed university, and you can earn your Master’s degree from yet another esteemed institution, but you will never learn what you can from a night on the line at a busy restaurant.If it were up to me (it isn’t) everybody would be required to work at least a year in the hospitality industry- maybe making complicated coffees at Starbucks and invariably being yelled at by a guy named Brock.It  builds your character  in a way no post-graduate degree can, in a way no C-level executive job can.It’s about people- each and every type of person.Working in hospitality means truly working with a team to get through a rough shift. It means interacting with customers you may never have met otherwise. It’s gathering stories you would never have heard. It’s  building empathy  for people who seem rough on the surface.Rather than writing off the old lady who always wants her s oup piping hot, maybe ask her how her day was. Because maybe you’re the only person she talks to today.In short, working in hospitality teaches you  real-life soft skills  that you will carry through your entire life. You will have great experiences and you will have bad ones.You will probably cry mid-shift (I know I have.) Here’s a few I took away from my time sweating through a challenging weekend night shift.How to prioritize + multitaskIf you’ve worked a busy Saturday night, you learn something about prioritization. You’re 86 chicken, the wait list is 40 people deep, you have 30 to-go orders for 30 separate Postmates cyclists who are forming a circle around you, and, oh yeah, you actually have to wait tables, too.Working in the hospitality industry creates a  pressure cooker. When you’re in it, you sort of snap into motion. You intuit exactly what needs to be done, when, and in what order of importance.Before you know it, it’s 11:45 p.m. and (almost) everyone has vac ated the restaurant- except for that one couple on their first Tinder date. They’re really hitting it off!I can’t really explain how you know what to do, you just do. It’s like a dance. You’re learning the moves on the fly, but you flow through it. When you come out the other side, you realize you did it. Not only that, but you have a pocket full of singles to show that you did it.Proactively problem-solveGuess what happens every day at a restaurant? Problems. Whether it’s the bathroom overflowing into the dining room, someone no-call-no-showing, or a deeply unhappy customer, problems happen- often all at once.An enormous life skill you learn at a restaurant is how to  solve problems on the spot. Often, you do not have the time to ask for backup or additional guidance. Instead, you need to find a solution, and quick!Problem-solving skills will come into play no matter what career path you choose. Some problems are easier to navigate. If someone doesn’t like their food, y ou can offer them the chance to reorder. However, there are trickier problems.Personally, the waitlist was always a problem in the busy restaurant I worked in. The waitlist was a purgatorial home to some of the angriest people I’ve ever encountered.In order to squash potential problems, I always  over-communicated  the wait situation- with a smile and a little commiseration, “I know the wait is long and being hungry is the worst, but it will be worth it!”Practice patienceThat brings me to the next life skill I learned in hospitality. Patience. Classically speaking, I didn’t have much in the way of patience. However, like many things in the hospitality business, you either learn to be patient, or you get out.Patience occurs table-side when you have to wait for someone who claimed they were ready to order, but they are clearly still reading the entire menu.Patience occurs when you encounter someone with  severe allergies  and you are painstakingly careful to make sure no cross -contamination occurs anywhere.Patience happens when a toddler is running around a busy restaurant while his parents are blissfully unaware of his entire existence. Patience is necessary when a party of 18 walks in seven minutes before closing.These are a few examples of situations that require extra care, extra work, and extra patience. This is also what separates you from a good worker and makes you a great worker.Be warned that when you put in the extra care and patient touch, it will often go unrecognized. But! Sometimes, a person will stop you for a moment and thank you for the extra effort- and that makes it all worth it.Always have empathyEmpathy is a big one. You learn a ton of empathy in hospitality. There are two kinds of empathy I think you learn- directed toward your coworkers (who become close to family) and directed towards customers.When you’re in the middle of a busy shift with your coworkers, you might want to yell expletives at them, throw dishes at them, or just exile them from your life altogether. Once you clock out, though, it’s usually all hugs and  post-work decompression.One of the more fascinating aspects of working in hospitality is the scope of people. On one staff, you are likely to have a diverse range of ethnicities, ages, and personalities. Someone you may never have met otherwise might suddenly be serving as your work mom.Like it or not, you will learn an incredible number of life lessons from your coworkers.Another target of your empathy will be customers. What might seem on the surface like a grumpy, nit-picky guy- well, he might actually be a lonely person trying to engage in the only way he knows how- for better or worse.Empathy is huge in hospitality. Sometimes, you have to take a moment (when you don’t have a moment to spare) in order to really consider someone who you might otherwise write off as a jerk.Respect everyoneA majorly important life skill you will learn from hospitality is respect. Unfortunately, you mig ht learn it the hard way. As a server, a busser, a host, a cleaner, a cook, or a manager, you will experience people who are rude. Sometimes, these people are seemingly rude for sport.If you’ve ever been yelled at for an inaccurate order, a long wait, or other elements out of your control, you will gather real-life experience of that golden rule.Working in the hospitality industry gives you insights into the people you see every day. Remember - you never know  what someone is going through, so give them the benefit of the doubt. Treat people kindly, with care, and with respect.If none of this is resonating with you, I challenge you with this. Next time you’re in a busy restaurant and you really, really want to complain, take a look around instead. Is anyone sitting around doing nothing? Is your server leaning up on the bar texting a friend? Probably not.What you’ll likely see is a staff running around, getting as much done as they possibly can. Instead of complaining, give a thank you for the hard, (usually) thankless work they are doing to get some bowtie pasta in your belly. And always tip- which brings me to my next point.Tip for serviceOkay, this one may be specific, but bear with me. If you have worked in hospitality- whether it be a restaurant, a coffee shop, or a hotel- you will understand the value of a tip. And guess what? You’re probably not going to miss that dollar- especially if you just spent $5 on a single coffee.When you have a nice dinner, tip. When you order tacos from a taco truck, tip. When a valet brings your car back to you, tip. When your Lyft driver offers you a piece of gum to keep your ears from popping on the way to the airport, tip.See the trend here? Tip.If you know the value of hard people-facing work- of getting up every damn day and putting on a smile through heartbreak, through financial turmoil, through sickness- then you know that it’s always going to be worth it.Dig deeper into your pockets and help out your frien dly server. It’s the right thing to do.This article first appeared on Career Contessa.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Requirements of a Love Contract Policy at Work

Requirements of a Love Contract Policy at Work Requirements of a Love Contract Policy at Work An official, signed love contract policy should solve all of your potential problems with charges of sexual harassment at the end of a romantic work relationship. Right? I wouldnt count on it, even a love contract reviewed by your employment law attorney.   A love contract policy establishes workplace guidelines for dating or romantically involved coworkers. The purpose of the policy is to limit the liability of an organization in the event that the romantic relationship of the dating couple ends. The main component of the policy is a love contract. The love contract is a required document signed by the two employees in a consensual dating relationship that declares that the relationship is by consent. Additionally, organizations may include guidelines on behavior appropriate at work for the dating couple. Love contracts generally make arbitration the only grievance process available to the participants in the office romance. They eliminate the possibility of a later sexual harassment lawsuit when the relationship ends. They relieve the company of any liability during the time period of the office romance prior to the signing of the contract. Solutions Without a Love Contract Policy At several client companies, managers and employees have attended sexual harassment training. In these companies, the sexual harassment policy states clearly that romantic relationships between co-workers are not the companys business unless fallout from the office romance affects the workplace. (If this happens, Human Resources staff, of course, and their manager in conjunction, would have to address the behavior.) A manager, however, may not become romantically involved with nor date a reporting staff member. If a manager chooses to date the reporting employee, they have been counseled to notify Human Resources. In these instances, the manager will be the employee who needs to change jobs in the company, assuming a position is available. This policy, in conjunction with a strong sexual harassment policy and an effective reporting and investigation policy, should protect your workplace from litigation. People in a reporting relationship should not be dating. Complications From Employees Dating Many HR staff will share that in their experiences of employees dating, the most frequent outcome of the relationships is marriage. But, when a marriage or a long-term relationship is not the outcome, the relationship can affect your workplace. The amicability of the breakup is a key issue. If the coupling part consensually with both in agreement about the timing, trauma is less likely to impact work. But, even employees who are no longer dating raise challenges for employers. Can you ask a former couple to report to each other? Can you give one former partner control over any aspect of the other employees working conditions, pay, promotions, or work transfers? What does an employer do when employees divorce, especially if they worked in the same department? Will they get along or create constant tension that other workers feel?   What if an employee has an affair with a married coworker? Can they effectively work together moving forward? Can they work in the same department? Can one report upline to the other? The answers to these questions are complex and become more problematic in smaller companies where employers may have fewer options for moving employees around. Litigation Possibilities Even With a Love Contract Policy And, increasingly, coworkers are litigating over the differential treatment the employee in the romantic relationship received from the manager - and theyre winning their sexual harassment cases. Employees can always charge that they were pressured into signing the love contract at a sensitive time during their employment. Additionally, any love contract policy requires disclosure of a romantic relationship to Human Resources. Same-sex couples, people who are married to a different party, and people who are attempting to keep their relationship secret are unlikely to disclose the relationship to public scrutiny. The site has a world-wide audience and employment laws and regulations vary from state to state and country to country. When in doubt, always seek legal counsel or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. The information on this site is for guidance, ideas, and assistance only.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Can Science on Bubbles Explain Why People Recklessly Apply t

Can Science on Bubbles Explain Why People Recklessly Apply t Can Science on Bubbles Explain Why People Recklessly Apply t Whether higher education is really a bubble or not I dont know. The often irrational belief some people have in the value of a degree is one sign, though. Its not that the degree isnt valuableit mostly is. What Im talking about has more to do with the underlying motivation, the quality of reason, which leads some people to rashly apply and obtain degrees. At lower-tier institutions, there are scores of people who dont belong in business school, dont belong in law school (and many, many that do). Yet even with all the media criticism of higher ed and the recent arm-waving at prospective studentsentreaties to do a little research, a little soul-searching and a lot of self-assessmentthe uniformed continue to wander into these programs in search of security only to leave devastated with the lack of jobs or the return on investment. What they paid for was more than what it was worth.Jonah Lehrer recently wrote in Wired about the persistence of bubbles, why they are inevitable, why we can never seem to learn from them, if they can be prevented, and why they are like tulips in the early 1630s. His conclusions might be helpful to keep in mind during a consideration of the motivations for applying to business or law school.Recent bubbles in finance, housing, and the first dot-coms, Lehrer writes, resemble the hysteria that surrounded tulips after their introduction to the Netherlands by way of the Ottoman Empire in the 1630s. An explosion of tulip lust. Everyone wanted the tulips, tulips in white, orange, yellow, whatever. Then, speculation started when gardeners peddled in the winter months what only bloomed for a few weeks in the spring. A futures market was created, and in a few years, the price of a single tulip bulb skyrocketed to 10 times the salary of a skilled craftsman. When the tulip bubble burst in 1637, prices declinedsome rare bulbs more than 99 percentand speculators had a bunch of futures contracts they couldnt get rid of. A tulip was merely a tulip again . What lies behind this type of frenzy over an ordinary flower? Surely, there must be some reason why people dont seem to be able to learn from past mistakes. Lehrer saw some answers in research by neuroscientist Read Montague.Why are we so dumb? To better understand the source of our compulsive speculation, Read Montague, a neuroscientist now atVirginia Tech, has begun investigating the formation of bubbles from the perspective of the brain. He argues that the urge to speculate is rooted in our mental software. In particular, bubbles seem to depend on a unique human talent called fictive learning, which is the ability to learn from hypothetical scenarios and counterfactual questions. In other words, people dont just learn from mistakes theyve actually made, theyre able to learn from mistakes they might have made, if only theyd done something different.The problem is when fictive learning goes awry, it seems. Regret, for instance, is one of those times. When what-if? becomes If-only . Now, I might be wrong in applying this research to the intentions of applicants in the putative bubble of higher ed, but i think it's worth exploring. Im sure that more than a few past law school applicants, deep in counterfactual thought, said to themselves something along the lines of: If only I hadnt majored in philosophy in undergrad. If I had majored in econ or computer science, well, Id probably be sitting in my palace right now and not this two-room shanty, subsisting on rice and beans. If I had a second shot at things, I would study something that interests me, leads to an interesting job, provides financial security. Wait, studying and practicing law provides all that. And lawyers make tons of money. So, law school? Uhh, law school! Of course, the reality is that most law grads arent making big bucks and the number of lawyering jobs has plummeted. And yet, in 2010, law schools experienced a record number of applicants. Were people only seeing successes while staying blind to failures? MBA candidates, though, are probably less likely to act out of regret. Social comparison might be more apt an influencer for wanting to get an MBA, even when the situation doesnt call for it. Montague is currently exploring that as well, according to Lehrer. Its called the country club effect.This is what happens when youre sitting around with your friends at the country club, and theyre all talking about how much money theyre making in the market, Montague told me. That casual conversation is going to change the way you think about investing. In a series of ongoing experiments, Montague has studied what happens when people compete against each other in an investment game. While the subjects are making decisions about the stock market, Montague monitors their brain activity in two different fMRI machines. The first thing Montague discovered is that making more money than someone else is extremely pleasurable. When subjects win the investment game, Montague observes a l arge increase in activity in the striatum, a brain area typically associated with the processing of pleasurable rewards. (Montague refers to this as cocaine brain, as the striatum is also associated with the euphoric high of illicit drugs.) Unfortunately, this same urge to outperform others can also lead people to take reckless risks.Going to business school, or law school, is right for a lot of people, if its for the right reasons. For many, its not the right move, and I suspect that Montagues research sheds a little light on the underlying motivations of many who apply unwisely.Keeping yourself from reacting to social comparisons, or engaging in counterfactual thinking, is of course not a possibility. What is a possibility is learning to be conscious of the fact that your decisionspotentially reckless decisions, particularlyare rooted in very basic neurological processes. So remember to ask yourself: Did the decision you made arise out of good, solid reasons or more impetuous moti vations?[Wired] Like us on Facebook

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Top Trainings Available to Finance and Accounting Professionals

Top Trainings Available to Finance and Accounting Professionals Top Trainings Available to Finance and Accounting Professionals TOP TRAININGS AVAILABLE TO FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING PROFESSIONALS CFOs reported providing accounting and finance staff training in the following areas: Technology skills 61% Functional accounting and finance skills 60% Leadership/management training 56% Soft skills such as writing, negotiation and presentation 46% No training provided: 7% Multiple responses allowed.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Why I re-read my favorite books multiple times a year

Why I re-read my favorite books multiple times a year Why I re-read my favorite books multiple times a year About four years ago I decided to read  100 new books a year. I’ve kept up that habit until recently.I stopped reading two new books a week because I forgot almost everything I learned more than a year earlier. And there’s no way you can remember even a quarter of a book you read three years ago.I made this discovery this year when I started worrying about random things in my life. I thought, “Didn’t I deal with this issue years ago?”And I was right, I’ve read a lot about worrying, I’ve coached people,  and I even wrote a book about it.  But I’m not a machine- I’m not immune to the challenges that we all face. No one is.So I decided to re-read one of my all-time favorite personal development books,  How To Stop Worrying and Start Living  by Dale Carnegie. After that, I remembered how to deal with worry again.Once I realized that knowledge disappears quickly from our minds, I’ve been re-reading and studying at least one good book a week. We must arm ourselves again st the challenge of life by  repeating  the things we learn so often that they become a habit.If you want to master a particular skill, don’t assume that reading a few books on the topic will help you do that- it requires endless repetition. Ryan Holiday said it best in  The Daily Stoic:“When we repeat an action so often it becomes unconscious behavior, we can default to it without thinking.”After re-reading close to 40 books this year, I want to share 5 tips with you that can help you master the skills that you value in life.1. Keep your all-time favorite books closeThe books you want to master need to be in a place where you see them every day. Keep them on your desk, on your nightstand, on the dinner table.Let the books remind you of what you want to get out of life. A book like  On The Shortness Of Life  is a constant reminder that life must be lived.That’s why I love to have it on my desk. I do the same with other books that are important to me like  On Writing Well  by William Zinsser.So look at your life. What behaviors, characteristics, or skills do you want to make your own? What books are about those things? Keep those books close. But don’t keep a stack of 30 books on your desk. Pick only 1-2 books per topic. And stick to the  best.2. Make sure you’ve highlighted your booksI always highlight a book when I read it for the first time. Now, when I want to go back and study a book, I don’t need to reread everything. I look at my highlights, but I also read the whole paragraph.Every time someone tells me they are afraid to highlight books or that they don’t want to buy books, I question that person’s will to learn. Look, what’s more important? Keeping your books neat? Or improving your life?Highlight your books. Make notes on the pages. Turn the book into something that’s  yours.3. Grab a book and go through it in a day (or two)I’ve learned that the meaning of a book changes over time. That’s not because of the book changes but because  you  change.The first time I read  The One Thing  by Gary Keller, I learned about the  power of compounding. The second time I read it, I learned about the importance of blocking large chunks of time to get meaningful work done.That’s because I was in a different phase. And that’s also why you want to read good books more than once. The great thing about re-reading non-fiction books is that it doesn’t take much time.If you’ve highlighted a book, you can go through the whole book in three to four hours, in my experience. I can do that in one or two days. And I always learn something new.4. Make personal notes about the book in your journalNo matter how often you read a good book, you’ll still forget the majority of the content. It doesn’t matter how good or useful a book is, over time, we forget a lot of what we’ve learned.But when you make notes about the things you’ve learned from a book, you start internalizing knowledge. Once you write about a topic in yo ur own words, it becomes a part of your muscle memory.That’s why I recommend writing notes to yourself in your  journal. Just like Marcus Aurelius did in his journal (which later was published as Meditations). Tell yourself “do this” and “don’t do that.”5. Repeat this process every week with a new book - multiple times a yearIt’s better to re-read a good book several times a year, compared to reading a decent book only once or twice. So as you keep rereading books, narrow down your list.I started with about 50 books I wanted to re-read. I’ve cut it down to half by now. My goal is to end up with 8 books that I will skim through once a month (two a week). Once the material becomes a habit and is in my muscle memory, I intend to move to another book.There’s nothing new about this learning principle. It’s exactly the same strategy Bruce Lee used to become one of the biggest martial artists and actors in history. He said:“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”Similarly, I don’t admire the person who has read 1,000 books, but I admire the person who has read one book 1,000 times.This article first appeared on Darius Foroux.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Why You Shouldnt Write Your Own Resume

Why You Shouldn’t Write Your Own Resume Why You Shouldn’t Write Your Own Resume Why You Shouldn't Write Your Own Resume Some things are better left to the pros. There are lots of things you wouldn't (or shouldn't) do on your own. Would you fly your own plane? No, better off leaving it to a trained pilot. Do your own taxes? No, not much point in that with the wealth of affordable tax software and abundance of accountants out there. How about taking a crack at operating on yourself or a loved one? You get the point: There are a lot of situations where a trusted professional can get the job done and where mistakes can be fatal. Writing a resume is no exception. When it comes to writing your own resume, there's an unlimited number of things that can go wrong, and the cost of those mistakes can be a missed opportunity to secure your dream job or at least your next job. Here are a few common mistakes that a professional resume writer can help you avoid, aka the reasons you shouldn't DIY when it comes to your resume. Formatting errors A staggering 75 percent of resumes will never be seen by human eyes thanks to the automated applicant tracking systems that have become common among larger employers in the last decade. Formatting a resume so it can be read easily by these scanning bots is a science, and it's something our professional resume writers are well versed in. Their expertise can ensure that you don't lose out in this critical step of the application process. Incorrect data Contrary to popular belief, a resume should not contain your entire life or even work history. Resumes that focus on day-to-day responsibilities and role-related tasks are sure to end up in a trash folder. Employers care about accomplishments especially accomplishments that can be quantified. Your resume should highlight the types of results that set you apart from the average applicant and will serve as examples of what you can do in your next role. Typos A recent study found that 78 percent of resumes reviewed by hiring managers include some form of typos or grammar mistakes. Imagine the red flags a typo sends to an employer! If you make mistakes in your resume, what will you do with client contracts or pitch presentations? Whether you were in a rush or aren't comfortable writing, these mistakes always seem to crop up. Hiring a professional resume writer to write and edit your resume will give you a professional polish and put you one step ahead of the majority of resumes a hiring manager will look at on a given day. Doing it yourself might be great when it comes to wedding decorations or small home improvements, but searching for your next career move is not a time to leave it to chance. Purchasing a professional resume rewrite today will cost as low as $149, a small price to pay to ensure that you'll be well-positioned to make it past the ATS and impress hiring managers within days. Recommended Reading: How to Get the Most From Your Resume-Writing Service We Helped This Jane of All Trades Focus Her Resume Ask Amanda: How Can I Make My Resume Beat the ATS?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

10 mistakes smart people never make twice

10 mistakes smart people never make twice 10 mistakes smart people never make twice Everybody makes mistakes -  that’s a given -  but we don’t always learn from them. Sometimes we make the same mistakes over and over again, fail to make any real progress, and can’t figure out why.“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” -  Bruce LeeWhen we make mistakes, it can be hard to admit them because doing so feels like an attack on our self-worth. This tendency poses a huge problem because new research proves something that common sense has told us for a very long time: fully acknowledging and embracing errors is the only way to avoid repeating them.Yet many of us still struggle with this.Researchers from the Clinical Psychophysiology Lab at Michigan State University found that people fall into one of two camps when it comes to mistakes: those who have a  fixed mind-set  (“Forget this; I’ll never be good at it”) and those who have a  growth mind-set  (“What a wake-up call! Let’s see what I did wrong so I won’t do it aga in”).“By paying attention to mistakes, we invest more time and effort to correct them,” study author Jason Moser says. “The result is that you make the mistake work for you.”Those with a growth mind-set land on their feet because they acknowledge their mistakes and use them to get better. Those with a fixed mind-set are bound to repeat their mistakes because they try their best to ignore them.Smart, successful people are by no means immune to making mistakes; they simply have the tools in place to learn from their errors. In other words, they recognize the roots of their mix-ups quickly and never make the same mistake twice.“When you repeat a mistake it is not a mistake anymore; it is a decision.” â€" Paulo CoelhoSome mistakes are so tempting that we all make them at one point or another. Here are 10 mistakes almost all of us make, but smart people only make once.1. Believing in someone or something that’s too good to be trueSome people are so charismatic and so conf ident that it can be tempting to follow anything they say. They speak endlessly of how successful their businesses are, how well liked they are, who they know, and how many opportunities they can offer you.While it is, of course, true that some people really are successful and really want to help you, smart people only need to be tricked once before they start to think twice about a deal that sounds too good to be true. The results of naivety and a lack of due diligence can be catastrophic.Smart people ask serious questions before getting involved because they realize that no one, themselves included, are as good as they look.2.  Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different resultAlbert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Despite his popularity and cutting insight, there are a lot of people who seem determined that two plus two will eventually equal five.Smart people, on the other hand, need only experience this frustration once. The fact is simple: if you keep the same approach, you’ll keep getting the same results, no matter how much you hope for the opposite.Smart people know that if they want a different result, they need to change their approach, even when it’s painful to do so.3. Failing to delay gratificationWe live in a world where books instantly appear on our e-readers, news travels far and wide, and just about anything can show up at our doorsteps in as little as a day.Smart people know that gratification doesn’t come quickly, and hard work comes long before the reward. They also know how to use this as motivation through every step of the arduous process that amounts to success because they’ve felt the pain and disappointment that come with selling themselves short.4. Operating without a budgetYou can’t experience financial freedom until you operate under the constraint of a budget. Sticking to a budget, personally and professionally, forces us to make thoughtful choi ces about what we want and need.Smart people only have to face that insurmountable pile of bills once before getting their act together, starting with a thorough reckoning as to where their money is going. They realize that once you understand how much you’re spending and what you’re spending it on, the right choices become clear. A morning latte is a lot less tempting when you’re aware of the cost: $1,000 on average per year.Having a budget isn’t only about making sure that you have enough to pay the bills.  Smart people know that making and sticking to a strict budget means never having to pass up an opportunity because they’ve blown their precious capital on discretionary expenditures. Budgets establish discipline, and discipline is the foundation of quality work.5. Losing sight of the big pictureIt’s so easy to become head-down busy, working so hard on what’s right in front of you that you lose sight of the big picture. But smart people learn how to keep this in ch eck by weighing their daily priorities against a carefully calculated goal.It’s not that they don’t care about small-scale work; they just have the discipline and perspective to adjust their course as necessary. Life is all about the big picture, and when you lose sight of it, everything suffers.6. Not doing your homeworkEverybody has taken a shortcut at some point, whether it was copying a friend’s biology assignment or strolling into an important meeting unprepared. Smart people realize that while they may occasionally get lucky, that approach will hold them back from achieving their full potential.They don’t take chances, and they understand that there’s no substitute for hard work and due diligence. They know that if they don’t do their homework, they’ll never learn anything - and that’s a surefire way to bring your career to a screeching halt.7. Trying to be someone or something you’re notIt’s tempting to try to please people by being whom they want you to be, but no one likes a fake, and trying to be someone you’re not never ends well. Smart people figure that out the first time they get called out for being a phony, forget their lines, or drop out of character.Other people never seem to realize that everyone else can see right through their act. They don’t recognize the relationships they’ve damaged, the jobs they’ve lost, and the opportunities they’ve missed as a result of trying to be someone they’re not.Smart people, on the other hand, make that connection right away and realize that happiness and success demand authenticity.8. Trying to please everyoneAlmost everyone makes this mistake at some point, but smart people realize quickly that it’s simply impossible to please everybody and trying to please everyone pleases no one.Smart people know that in order to be effective, you have to develop the courage to call the shots and to make the choices that you feel are right (not the choices that everyone will like).9. Pl aying the victimNews reports and our social media feeds are filled with stories of people who seem to get ahead by playing the victim. Smart people may try it once, but they realize quickly that it’s a form of manipulation and that any benefits will come to a screeching halt as soon as people see that it’s a game.But there’s a more subtle aspect of this strategy that only truly smart people grasp: to play the victim, you have to give up your power, and you can’t put a price on that.10. Trying to change someoneThe only way that people change is through the desire and wherewithal to change themselves. Still, it’s tempting to try to change someone who doesn’t want to change, as if your sheer will and desire for them to improve will change them (as it has you). Some even actively choose people with problems, thinking that they can “fix” them.Smart people may make that mistake once, but then they realize that they’ll never be able to change anyone but themselves. Instea d, they build their lives around genuine, positive people and work to avoid problematic people that bring them down.Bringing it all togetherEmotionally intelligent people are successful because they never stop learning. They learn from their mistakes, they learn from their successes, and they’re always changing themselves for the better.Travis Bradberry is the co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and the co-founder of TalentSmart.This article originally appeared on LinkedIn. 10 mistakes smart people never make twice Everybody makes mistakes -  that’s a given -  but we don’t always learn from them. Sometimes we make the same mistakes over and over again, fail to make any real progress, and can’t figure out why.“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” -  Bruce LeeWhen we make mistakes, it can be hard to admit them because doing so feels like an attack on our self-worth. This tendency poses a huge problem because new research proves something that common sense has told us for a very long time: fully acknowledging and embracing errors is the only way to avoid repeating them.Yet many of us still struggle with this.Researchers from the Clinical Psychophysiology Lab at Michigan State University found that people fall into one of two camps when it comes to mistakes: those who have a  fixed mind-set  (“Forget this; I’ll never be good at it”) and those who have a  growth mind-set  (“What a wake-up call! Let’s see what I did wrong so I won’t do it aga in”).“By paying attention to mistakes, we invest more time and effort to correct them,” study author Jason Moser says. “The result is that you make the mistake work for you.”Those with a growth mind-set land on their feet because they acknowledge their mistakes and use them to get better. Those with a fixed mind-set are bound to repeat their mistakes because they try their best to ignore them.Smart, successful people are by no means immune to making mistakes; they simply have the tools in place to learn from their errors. In other words, they recognize the roots of their mix-ups quickly and never make the same mistake twice.“When you repeat a mistake it is not a mistake anymore; it is a decision.” â€" Paulo CoelhoSome mistakes are so tempting that we all make them at one point or another. Here are 10 mistakes almost all of us make, but smart people only make once.1. Believing in someone or something that’s too good to be trueSome people are so charismatic and so conf ident that it can be tempting to follow anything they say. They speak endlessly of how successful their businesses are, how well liked they are, who they know, and how many opportunities they can offer you.While it is, of course, true that some people really are successful and really want to help you, smart people only need to be tricked once before they start to think twice about a deal that sounds too good to be true. The results of naivety and a lack of due diligence can be catastrophic.Smart people ask serious questions before getting involved because they realize that no one, themselves included, are as good as they look.2.  Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different resultAlbert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Despite his popularity and cutting insight, there are a lot of people who seem determined that two plus two will eventually equal five.Smart people, on the other hand, need only experience this frustration once. The fact is simple: if you keep the same approach, you’ll keep getting the same results, no matter how much you hope for the opposite.Smart people know that if they want a different result, they need to change their approach, even when it’s painful to do so.3. Failing to delay gratificationWe live in a world where books instantly appear on our e-readers, news travels far and wide, and just about anything can show up at our doorsteps in as little as a day.Smart people know that gratification doesn’t come quickly, and hard work comes long before the reward. They also know how to use this as motivation through every step of the arduous process that amounts to success because they’ve felt the pain and disappointment that come with selling themselves short.4. Operating without a budgetYou can’t experience financial freedom until you operate under the constraint of a budget. Sticking to a budget, personally and professionally, forces us to make thoughtful choi ces about what we want and need.Smart people only have to face that insurmountable pile of bills once before getting their act together, starting with a thorough reckoning as to where their money is going. They realize that once you understand how much you’re spending and what you’re spending it on, the right choices become clear. A morning latte is a lot less tempting when you’re aware of the cost: $1,000 on average per year.Having a budget isn’t only about making sure that you have enough to pay the bills.  Smart people know that making and sticking to a strict budget means never having to pass up an opportunity because they’ve blown their precious capital on discretionary expenditures. Budgets establish discipline, and discipline is the foundation of quality work.5. Losing sight of the big pictureIt’s so easy to become head-down busy, working so hard on what’s right in front of you that you lose sight of the big picture. But smart people learn how to keep this in ch eck by weighing their daily priorities against a carefully calculated goal.It’s not that they don’t care about small-scale work; they just have the discipline and perspective to adjust their course as necessary. Life is all about the big picture, and when you lose sight of it, everything suffers.6. Not doing your homeworkEverybody has taken a shortcut at some point, whether it was copying a friend’s biology assignment or strolling into an important meeting unprepared. Smart people realize that while they may occasionally get lucky, that approach will hold them back from achieving their full potential.They don’t take chances, and they understand that there’s no substitute for hard work and due diligence. They know that if they don’t do their homework, they’ll never learn anything - and that’s a surefire way to bring your career to a screeching halt.7. Trying to be someone or something you’re notIt’s tempting to try to please people by being whom they want you to be, but no one likes a fake, and trying to be someone you’re not never ends well. Smart people figure that out the first time they get called out for being a phony, forget their lines, or drop out of character.Other people never seem to realize that everyone else can see right through their act. They don’t recognize the relationships they’ve damaged, the jobs they’ve lost, and the opportunities they’ve missed as a result of trying to be someone they’re not.Smart people, on the other hand, make that connection right away and realize that happiness and success demand authenticity.8. Trying to please everyoneAlmost everyone makes this mistake at some point, but smart people realize quickly that it’s simply impossible to please everybody and trying to please everyone pleases no one.Smart people know that in order to be effective, you have to develop the courage to call the shots and to make the choices that you feel are right (not the choices that everyone will like).9. Pl aying the victimNews reports and our social media feeds are filled with stories of people who seem to get ahead by playing the victim. Smart people may try it once, but they realize quickly that it’s a form of manipulation and that any benefits will come to a screeching halt as soon as people see that it’s a game.But there’s a more subtle aspect of this strategy that only truly smart people grasp: to play the victim, you have to give up your power, and you can’t put a price on that.10. Trying to change someoneThe only way that people change is through the desire and wherewithal to change themselves. Still, it’s tempting to try to change someone who doesn’t want to change, as if your sheer will and desire for them to improve will change them (as it has you). Some even actively choose people with problems, thinking that they can “fix” them.Smart people may make that mistake once, but then they realize that they’ll never be able to change anyone but themselves. Instea d, they build their lives around genuine, positive people and work to avoid problematic people that bring them down.Bringing it all togetherEmotionally intelligent people are successful because they never stop learning. They learn from their mistakes, they learn from their successes, and they’re always changing themselves for the better.Travis Bradberry is the co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and the co-founder of TalentSmart.This article originally appeared on LinkedIn.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Survey says early birds make more money than night owls

Survey says early birds make more money than night owls Survey says early birds make more money than night owls The last notable  skirmish in the night owl versus early bird feud had all to do with intelligence. After analyzing the GMA scores of male and female MBA students, researchers from  The University of Chicago and Northwestern University found creatures of the night to be of much higher intellect than worm getters. One tally for late risers, as far as gray matter is concerned but which group is more likely to wake up alone?Recently Sleepopolis published a comprehensive study conducted by OnePoll, that compared 1,000 American nocturnals to  1,000 American early risers, yielding fascinating data that ranges from the likelihood to engage in certain hobbies to the degree of belief in the paranormal.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!Early to bed and early to wed  Some of the findings shake out like you might have guessed. For instance, early risers (who got seven hours of sleep at night) were generally found to be optimistic fans of nature walks that also earned more money (though the survey did not provide more details on income), and night owls (six hours of sleep) were generally found to be Instagram obsessed smart-alecks that believe in “ghosts and cryptids.” Business as usual. They also made less money than their rooster friends. What you might not have expected though, is that early birds reported being late to work more frequently than night owls did.Moreover, despite the night being a commonly  used shorthand for partying and half-remembered adventures,  night owls were observed to be shyer and not having as active a sex life as their early rising friends.Although night owls reported the virtue of loyalty more than early birds, the latter were more often married and had children in the house. Maybe it has something to do with tactics, considering early birds reported utilizing online dating more and having a stronger penchant for active hobbies like walking, cooking, hiking, going to the gym and playing sports.A good portion of night owls preferred solitary routines, like reading and sleeping.  Sardonically enough, night owls more frequently favored sleeping next to a significant other or a pet, whereas early birds more often tossed and turned and snored despite their wealth of slumber company.  You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, November 11, 2019

5 Email Templates to Use When Asking for a Reference

5 Email Templates to Use When Asking for a Reference 5 Email Templates to Use When Asking for a Reference It’s no secret: asking for references can be intimidating. Since references often don’t come from the company you’re working at currently - especially if you haven’t yet told them you’re sniffing out new opportunities -  you often must reach out to colleagues from across the spectrum of your career. This means contacting people you may not have spoken to in a while, and asking them to take time out of their schedule to remember your attributes and speak about them with your potential employers. The quality of your references can make or break certain hiring processes, so it’s of the utmost importance to find the right people. Although sending the same stock email out to each potential reference can save you time, it’s not advised. A reference request should be personalized to the person you’re sending it to, and the type of relationship you had with them. We reached out to career experts Tiffany Franklin , who is the founder of TFJ Career Coaching  and works in career services at an Ivy League School and Emily Kapit , MS, MRW, ACRW, CPRW, career strategist and owner of ReFresh Your Step career consultancy, to learn more about the right way to ask someone to serve as a reference over email. “You want them to feel like you’re asking them because you truly want them to be a reference, not just because you have to have three,” says Kapit, underscoring the importance of tailoring each request to the person you’re reaching out to. To get an idea of what personalized email requests for references would look like, these five templates give a full idea of what type of language is appropriate for different relationships. Hi Donna! I hope you have been doing well. It’s hard to believe it has been three years since we worked together. I learned so much while we were working on the XYZ project and have fond memories of working at [company name]. Things have been good here. I have enjoyed working at [company name] for the past two years and getting to explore the city of Denver. After much contemplation, I’ve decided it’s time for new challenges, so I’m beginning to search for Marketing Director roles and hope to relocate to San Diego later this year. Would you be available to serve as a reference and provide a positive recommendation for me? If you are, I would be happy to send you my resume and a sample job description so you have an updated view of my experience and what I’m seeking. Thank you for considering this. I look forward to connecting with you again and hearing your updates. This reference request, written by Franklin, masterfully re-establishes the connection with the former boss and brings them up to speed on your recent professional history. “The wording of your message to re-introduce yourself to a potential reference will depend on the nature of the relationship (former boss vs. coworker), how close you were at the time, whether you saw each other outside of work in social settings and exactly how long has it been since you last connected,” Franklin says. She adds that it’s also important to consider the timing of your request and how far you are in the job search process , which can determine the likelihood that they will be imminently contacted. I hope you’re well. I’ve been following your career via LinkedIn for the last several years and see that you’ve moved up to [new role] -  congratulations! In the last few years, I have also moved up and am currently doing [current role]. I’m looking to transition to an even more senior role and am conducting both an internal and an external search regarding future opportunities. In doing so, I was reflecting on who would be a really good reference for me, and felt that you would be one. I recall our time working on [particular project] and I thought that given what I’m looking for in that next role, you would be a great person to speak to the skills I bring to the table as well as the kind of hard worker that I am, and would really appreciate if you could serve as a reference for me. Of course, I am more than happy to do the same for you at any point in time. Please do let me know. Additionally, if you would be so kind as to put the recommendation on my LinkedIn profile, I would greatly appreciate that. Again, I would be more than happy to do the same for you. I wish you continued success in your career and look forward to being in touch. Please do reach out with any questions! This template, written by Kapit, contains a few powerful elements. First of all, it gives the recommender a specific reason why you’re asking them, of all people, to be your reference. Second, you’re following what some call the “golden rule of networking ”: offering your help to someone else, so that they may offer their help to you. This particular template offers to recommend or serve as a reference for the other person in return for them doing the same for you - a great strategy for making the “ask” feel much less one-sided. Hi Mr. Thomas! I hope you’re doing well. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been four years since we worked together at [company name]. How have you been? I really appreciate all I learned during that time and the guidance you provided. It has been so helpful with my client projects here at [company name]. I have been networking as you suggested and recently became aware of an interesting opportunity to become a Marketing Manager. Given my work on client projects over the past few years, I feel it would be a perfect fit and great next step. Would you be willing to provide a positive recommendation for me? I’ll be happy to provide you with my resume, full details of the job and any other info you would find helpful. Thank you for considering this. I hope we can catch up properly soon. This request, written by Franklin, shows the power of a brief - yet humble, respectful and professional â€" email. When you have reservations about sending a request to someone, or are worried that the connection might be too tenuous, always defer to a humble, professional tone. In addition, Franklin says, “when making any request in life, it’s helpful to use empathy and think about how you would feel if you received a similar request. If you get a feeling in the pit of your stomach that you’re asking for too much or it sounds like you’re sucking up or something like that, re-think the email.” I hope all is well with you. I heard you were promoted to [new position] at [former company]. Nice! I’m reaching out today because I’m looking to make my next career move, and I’m in need of references for the positions I’m applying for. Given our extensive working history together, I thought that you would be able to speak to my ability as a manager, and I was wondering if you would be willing to serve as a reference. If asked, I think that the example of [X project] we worked on together would be particularly salient. Of course I would be more than willing to act as a reference for you or provide you with any sort of recommendation. Please let me know if you have any questions! While it’s less common to ask someone who you formerly managed to be a reference for you, it can be appropriate in cases where you’re looking to show off your management skills to the hiring team. Reaching out to a person who was your subordinate has a slightly different tone than asking someone who you worked under. “You want to mirror the tone of the relationship that you had with them in your prior role,” Franklin advises. “That way, the style of your request is consistent with how you have always interacted with that person and won’t seem outside the balance of what that relationship [is] and always [has] been.” Franklin also provides a number of templates outreach examples in her “ Essential Guide to Securing References for a Job Search. ” I just heard news that your company recently [accomplishment]. Congratulations! I’m always heartened and delighted to see what your company is doing in the world. I’m writing today because I’m looking to transition into a new role doing [new job], and I’m looking for a few people who can serve as references for me and speak to my skills as a [your profession]. I thought that the project we worked on last year was a great example of how I can [list skills]. I would be very grateful if you were able to serve as a reference for me. Please let me know if you have any questions -  and I’m also happy to refresh your memory on the details of the project and the role I played if you want me to send anything over. “Try to be specific regarding why you’re asking that particular person to be a reference for you,” counsels Kapit. In this template, praise is given to the former client in order to remind them of their connection to you. In addition, listing specific skills tied to the project you worked on together can help trigger their memory of why exactly they would be qualified to comment on your professional prowess.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Insider Secret on Resume Awards Uncovered

The Insider Secret on Resume Awards Uncovered Pay attention to the items which you'll be able to provide instead of what you might gain from your business. If you own a group of awards from an expert organization you belong to, then you will want to keep the expert lingo to a minimum. If you wish to advance your career, aim to join expert association in your industry. You might also want to say only a couple of words about the organization that presented the awards, if this info isn't obvious. Then it's likely that you may end up excluding some important places and such as other folks that are not that necessary. Therefore understanding how to compose a resume is essential. A copied notice isn't likely to help match the objective. Make sure that you don't simply repeat language from different sections of your resume. The Argument About Resume Awards Based on your professional profile, including a specific resume section specializing in honors and awards might be exactly what you have to stick out in the application approach. Finding out how to compose a legal resume honors and awards section will be able to help you make a decision as to what information is suitable to use. Don't hold back in case you have various awards in a particular area or you've achieved something special in a previously-held position just like the vacancy. You have to have three or more awards or honors to justify developing a distinctive section to showcase them, but you could always add 1 award or honor to a different section of your resume. Take a look at the next guide to figure out where awards should go on a resume and the way to include them so they can positively influence your candidacy. The honors and awards section isn't a necessity and should only be added in case you have enough specific honors or awards which are linked to you and the job you are now seeking. If they are not recent, then you may choose not to include dates. When seeking to determine which civic and community awards would be great awards to put on a resume, it can help to use awards which are a yearly recognition of some kind of excellence. The Benefits of Resume Awards Career aspirants will need to be on the lookout for a resume template in the place of a programs vitae template. Predicated on great illustration of skills meant for job program, you ought to be sure that the skills you listed are about the application form. For instance, it includes a skills'' page at which you can use icons to demonstrate your proficiency in numerous c ategories. Making your resume is essential. For some jobs, you will want to highlight certain abilities, while for others, you will want to demonstrate related experience. If you aren't a student and have more relevant work experience, you won't be trying hard to fill space and it might be more beneficial to concentrate on other regions of your resume. If you would like to terrain that ideal job then you should have a stellar continue. It is simpler than you might think to compose a superb administrative resume that could let you find the job of your dreams. The accomplishments which you choose to improve your resume has to be relevant to the work vacancy you're applying to or relate in some way to the business or specific firm. Well, if you tailor your resume to coordinate with your job description, you'll have identified and added the appropriate keyword phrases to your resume. The work description might also earn a difference. Since it will vary widely from one organization to another, you want to make sure that your resume highlights your most relevant experience. Resumes are extremely estimated in features and data, however, several choices have to be made. Many resumes are really a number of fashions. No matter which type of work you're searching for, the Gabriella professional resume template is an excellent alternative. The templates are created in such a way they make the resume be noticeable. Resume Awards Can Be Fun for Everyone The application can be processed only as soon as the application fee was received. Anyti me you can make your job application letter customized and personal, you might get a better response. There's no normal cover letter. What's more, your letter for job application should have professional look and it must be informative. Utilizing an online resume builder is a very simple and effective method of writing a winning resume which will get you through the interview stage. If you're a student or a recent graduate hoping to locate work, you might not have a good deal of experience to list on your resume. As soon as you are mindful of how much expertise you need and the type of experience you will require, you're in an outstanding spot to discover that adventure by pitching prospective customers. There are hundreds and hundreds of groups you could consider joining to strengthen your resume. It is preferable to concentrate on your career achievementsif you're writing a professional resume. Scores have to be available when graduate admission decisions are created. P rofessional awards function as a practical reference for your ability. If you just have a couple of professional awards to add it is preferable to include them in your professional experience.